2021 Traffic Culture Exhibition Winning Haiku

First published in the Traffic Culture Exhibition, held 27 October–1 November 2021 at Ueno Station in Tokyo, Japan, and on the website (scroll down to see the haiku section). Most photos below are by Emiko Miyashita. See also the winners for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024.       +       +

translations by Emiko Miyashita and Michael Dylan Welch

交通総合文化展2021 俳句入賞作品

Traffic Culture Exhibition 2021 Haiku Winners

Haiku Section   |   The Japanese Railways, the Fascination of Japan


協賛句   Judge’s Haiku

浅間山空のはるかへ秋の道 長谷川 

asamayama / sora no haruka e / aki no michi


Mt. Asama

far into the sky

the autumn road HASEGAWA Kai


公益財団法人日本交通文化協会理事長賞   Japan Traffic Culture Association Chairman’s Award


線路まで静かな世界半夏生 徳永 小雪

sento made / shizukana sekai / hangeshō


this quiet world

towards the train tracks

July 2nd TOKUNAGA Koyuki




What would the world look like to someone who is blind or deaf? A small journey out of the house to the train tracks. The world lies in silence. The author is a seventeen-year-old student at a school for the deaf. There are a hundred different worlds for a hundred different people. —Hasegawa Kai


一席   First Place

列車いま夕焼まみれの大河越え 馬場 博美

ressha ima / yuyake mamire no / taigagoe


the train now

has crossed the great river

soaked in sunset BABA Hiromi




A great river colored with the sunset. The phrase “soaked in sunset” gives life to the haiku. The author is facing the sublimity of this world. —Hasegawa Kai


二席   Second Place


青春が降り立つ駅や夏休み 武田 大輝

seishun ga / oritatsu eki ya / natsuyasumi


the station

where the youth gets off

summer vacation TAKEDA Daiki


三席   Third Place (tie)


遠ざかるホームの君は白きシャツ 服部 弥生

tōzakaru / hōme no kimi wa / shiroki shatu


moving away

from the platform

you in a white shirt HATTORI Yayoi



秋麗の電車にかるく眠りたり 竹澤 

shūrei no / densha ni karuku / nemuri tari


glorious autumn day

sleeping lightly

on the train TAKEZAWA Satoshi



駅を出て見知らぬ夏に紛れけり 長谷部 俊夫

eki o dete / mishiranu natsu ni / maigre keri


leaving the station

I slip

into a strange summer HASEBE Toshio


入選   Selected Winners


車窓からあの夏見てた羊蹄山 渡邉 富士夫

shasō kara / ano natsu miteta / yōteizan


from the train window

that summer

Mt. Yōtei WATANABE Fujio



この景もいつか思い出車窓夏 小野沢 竹次

kono kei mo / itsuka omoide / shasou natsu


this scenery too

will someday be a memory

summer’s train window ONOZAWA Taketsugu



電車行く紀州路の花ちらほらと 堀川 

densha yuku / kishūji no hana / chirahora to


the train

on the way to Kishū

flowers here and there HORIKAWA Atsushi (WAKAURA Ryo)



国鉄のころと変らぬ花の駅 斉藤 浩美

kokutetsu no / koro to kawaranu / hana no eki



since the time of National Railways

the flower station SAITŌ Hiromi



列車から花を愛でおり古希の旅 田村 靖彦

shasō kara / hana o mede ori / koki no tabi


I cherish the flowers

seen from the train

my seventieth year’s journey TAMURA Yasuhiko



目覚めればどこかの駅や夏の月 三玉 一郎

mezamereba / dokoka no eki ya / natsu no tuki


waking up

at a station somewhere

summer moon MITAMA Ichiro



移る季や次への切符は揚羽蝶 河野 大和

utsuru ki ya / tugi e no kippu wa / agehachō


changing seasons—

a ticket to the next

is a swallowtail KŌNO Yamato



少年はひとり旅せよ夏休み 坂本 恭子

shōnen wa / hitoritabi seyo / natsuyasumi



should travel alone

summer vacation SAKAMOTO Kyōko



この夏が発車のベルでさようなら 木村 弘治

kono natsu ga / hassha no beru de / sayounara


summer goes

with the departure bell

goodbye KIMURA Kōji


新幹線たてがみとなる夏の風 山田 知明

shinkansen / tategami to naru / natsu no kaze


the Shinkansen

becomes a mane

summer wind YAMADA Tomoaki

  (pen names in parentheses)