2022 Traffic Culture Exhibition Winning Haiku

First published in the Traffic Culture Exhibition, held 19–24 October 2022 at Ueno Station in Tokyo, Japan, and on the website (scroll down to see the haiku section). Photos below are by Emiko Miyashita. See also the winners for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, and 2024.       +       +   +

translations by Emiko Miyashita and Michael Dylan Welch


交通総合文化展2022 俳句入賞作品

Traffic Culture Exhibition 2022 Haiku Winners

Haiku Section   |   The Japanese Railways, the Fascination of Japan


協賛句   Judge’s Haiku

少年に大いなる夏浅間山 長谷川 櫂

shōnen ni / ōi naru natsu / asamayama


a great summer

for boys

Mt. Asama HASEGAWA Kai



公益財団法人日本交通文化協会理事長賞   Japan Traffic Culture Association Chairman’s Award


自由たのしみ平和かみしめ夏の旅 小畑 律子

jiyū tanoshimi / heiwa kamishime / natsu no tabi


enjoying freedom

savoring peace

a summer trip OBATA Ritsuko



Russia invaded Ukraine in the spring of this year. When I see the devastation, I am deeply grateful for freedom and peace. This is true even more if you go on a trip. —Hasegawa Kai



一席   First Place


車窓には未知の世界の夏休み 豊島 縁

shasō ni wa / michi no sekai no / natsuyasumi


summer vacation

an unknown world

in the train window TOYOSHIMA Enishi



Scenery seen for the first time through a train window. We are excited about encountering the unknown world during the summer holidays. There were many applications from Saitama Prefectural Sakado Deaf Academy. —Hasegawa Kai



二席   Second Place


菜の花が咲いた咲いたとローカル線 笹谷 豊子

nanohana ga / saita saita to / rōkarusen


rape flowers

blooming, blooming

the local line SASATANI Toyoko



三席   Third Place (tie)


網棚の麦藁帽子ふるさとへ 信安 淳子

amidna no / mugiwarabōshi / furusato e


a straw hat

on the baggage rack

heading for my hometown NOBUYASU Junko



炎天やレールは沈思黙考す 湯本 康二

enten ya / rēru wa chinshi / mokkō su


blazing sun—

the rails are lost

in deep thought YUMOTO Koji



一章を読み終え窓は夏野原 三縞 勇輝

isshō o / yomioe mado wa / natsunohara


a chapter finished—

the window

of summer MISHIMA Yuki



入選   Selected Winners


ひさびさの旅ひさびさの鰯雲 竹澤 聡

hisabisa no / tabi hisabisa no / iwashigumo


a trip taken after a long time

the mackerel sky

after a long time TAKEZAWA Satoshi



背もたれて春を真横に観て帰省 磯部 不二夫

semotarete / haru o mayoko ni / mite kisei


on my back

looking at spring sideways

I return home ISOBE Fujio



切符買うもう旅人になって夏 中村 一彦

kippu kau / mō tabibito ni / natte natsu


buying a ticket

already I’m a traveler

in summer NAKAMURA Kazuhiko



遠い日の買い出し列車積乱雲 小林 重雄

tōi hi no / kaidashi ressha / sekiran’un


a food shopping train

on a long-remembered day . . .

cumulonimbus clouds KOBAYASHI Shigeo



夏草に線路が埋もれ時止まる 生馬 昭夫

natsukusa ni / senro ga umore / toki tomaru


rails buried

under summer grasses

time stops IKUMA Akio



廃線の地にひまわりの咲き乱れ 篠原 昇司

haisen no / chi ni himawari no / sakimidare


around the abandoned line

sunflowers bloom

in profusion SHINOHARA Shōji



ふるさとの駅は野焼きの煙なか 北村 純一

furusato no / eki wa noyaki no / kemuri naka


my hometown station

in smoke

from a burning field KITAMURA Junichi



膝枕の子の汗拭ひローカル線 宮村 史子

hizamakura no / ko no ase nugui / rōkarusen


wiping sweat from a child

resting his head on my lap

the local line MIYAMURA Takako



夏休み終わった駅の静けさよ 吉岡 敏郎

natsuyasumi / owatta eki no / shizukesa yo


a station

after summer holidays

the silence YOSHIOKA Toshiro



牛啼きて大草原を貨車の夏 貞住 昌彦

ushi nakite / daisōgen o / kasha no natsu


a cow moos

summer freight trains

through the prairie SADASUMI Masahiko