1 December 2023
I’ve been more active with additions to Graceguts in the last month than in previous months. Here’s what’s new.
New to the Poems About Haiku page are two marvelous pieces by Terry Ann Carter, “When I Write a Haiku” and “Interior,” as well as “Bashō’s Smile” by James Norton, “Haiku should be just” by James Kirkup, and “The Snow Party” by Derek Mahon.
My Haibun page now includes “Change of Weather,” a very short haibun about my mother’s death this past April.
On the Photographs page, look for five new links to 2023 Seabeck Haiku Getaway photos (also added to the Haiku Northwest website). “Seabeck Haiku Getaway” on the Digressions page also includes the 2023 Seabeck group photo (and daily photo links). If you’ve ever thought about attending, check out these photos to see what it’s like.
Also on Digressions, this time for First Frost, check out my selection of Ron C. Moss’s poem for the October 2023 First Frost Award.
My Appearances page lists an interview by Angie Hinojos with me that was broadcast 16 November 2023 on Centro Cultural Mexicano’s Radio Ya es Tiempo livestream, also broadcast on KXPA radio, with Spanish and English discussion. I hope to add a video version to the Videos page whenever it becomes available. I’m also expanding my Appearances page with new events for 2024.
Speaking of interviews, check out Sally Quon’s “Interview with Michael Dylan Welch,” recently published in The Solitary Daisy, newly available on the Interviews page.
And speaking of videos, look for “Porad Haiku Award — 20th Anniversary Retrospective,” just added to the Videos page (also added to the Haiku Northwest website).
The Links list now includes The Art of Tanka, The Solitary Daisy, and a few other tweaks.
Look for four new additions to the Haiku and Senryu page:
A collection of all my Wales Haiku Journal poems, complete with screen shots of three pages showing my most recent poems.
On the “Twelve Weathergrams” page, a new photo of Barbara Snow weathergrams (also linked to through the Haiga page).
The following new addition to “My Poems in Haiku Society of America Anthologies”:
sleet in the air . . .
my son adds a Hershey’s bar
to Dad’s coffin
My three poems in Bruce Ross’s Writing Haiku book (a reprint of How to Haiku), published by Tuttle, with Bruce’s commentary. I’ve also linked to this from the Commentary page.
New on the Essays page is “2023 Seabeck Haiku Getaway Invitation,” which was a guest post I wrote for Judy Kleinberg’s “Poetry Department” blog, posted 17 October 2023.
On the Haiku Workshops page, available through Workshops, look for an enthusiastic set of comments in appreciation of the Zoom haiku class I gave on 9 November 2023 for the Iowa Poetry Association.
And over on my Rengay website, I have the following new additions, the first two from Blithe Spirit in England, the third one from Mariposa:
“In Their Eyes” with Maryam Mermey and Jane Reed
“Cape Perpetua” with Jim Rodriguez (including a few of my photos of Oregon’s Cape Perpetua)
“Family Circle” with Kala Ramesh
As always, thank you for visiting Graceguts, and please send me your thoughts or any questions.