
Some essays, reviews, or other content on this site also include new, previously unpublished postscripts. These addenda amplify the essay in question, offer context or analysis, provide updates or asides, or occasionally take issue with a previously held opinion, and appear at the end of each essay, review, or other item listed here. Some postscripts include older material written when the original published material was written but not published with the original content. Occasionally, some postscripts were included with the essays when originally published, but are usually still listed here. For other content first published on this site, please see Not Previously Published.


Arriving Geese: Learning from Shugyō Takaha

A Sampling of Cultural Haiku

A Spade’s a Spade: Plagiarism and Déjà-ku

Beat Haiku and My Discussion with Jack Foley

Beauty in Haiku

Buson or Shiki: The True Authorship of the “Two Autumns” Poem

Defining “Publication” on the Internet

Desert Heat: A Haiku Revision

Dripping Rain: Learning Haiku from Shunryu Suzuki

Finding the Sky

First Snow on Daffodils: Writing Reality

From Chord to Melody: Defining Tanka in English

Going Nowhere: Learning Haiku from Pico Iyer

Go-Shichi-Go: How Japanese and English Syllables Differ

Getting Started with Haiku

Haibun: Definitions of Light

Haiku and the Art of Forest Bathing

Haiku as History: The Ultimate Short Story

Haikuholics Anonymous

Haiku Stances

Haiku . . . Under the Bedsheets: Juxtaposition and Seasonal Reference

The Heart of Haiku

The Heft of Haiku

Home for Christmas

How Do You Write Haiku?

How Graceguts Got Started

In the Eye of the Beholder: Haiku Interpretation

Knowing the Poet

Laughing with Karumi

Little Catastrophes: The Topological Structure of Humor and Haiku

Metaphor in Haiku

Missing the Moon: Haikuless Haibun

On a First-Name Basis: Deepening Haiku with its “Fourth Line”

One-Part Haiku

On Writing Haiku

Points of Growth: Learning Haiku Truth from Louise Glück

Punctuation in Haiku

Quiet Souls (remembering Cid Corman)

Ringing the Bell: Learning Haiku from Mary Ruefle

Skywriting: Learning Haiku from Annie Dillard

Striking Gold: The American Haiku Archive

Tanka Elbow Room

The Anthologist and Bogus Haiku

The Discipline of Haiku

The Haiku Sensibilities of E. E. Cummings

The Practical Poet: Be Your Own Editor

The Practical Poet: Creating a Haiku Checklist

The Practical Poet: Tracking Your Haiku Submissions

The Seed of Wonder: An Antidote to Haiku Inflation

The Territory of Haiku

Thirteen Ways of Reading Haiku

This Perfect Rose: The Lasting Legacy of William J. Higginson

Three Hokku by E. E. Cummings

Traditional and Modern Haiku: A Vibrant Dichotomy

Up with Season Words

Watch Your Its

What Makes a Great Chapbook?

Why I Take Photographs

Zen and the Art of Direct Seeing


African American Haiku: Cultural Visions

Alachua: North Florida Haiku

Arthur Sze’s Archipelago

Drawings Among Haiku

First Frost

In Praise of Japanese Love Poems

Least Things

Noddy: A Book Review

ongoing song: the voice of anne mckay

One Leaf Detaches

Outcry from the Inferno: A Book Review

Seishi Yamaguchi’s The Essence of Modern Haiku

Senryu: Poems of the People

Sharing Experience: Robert Aitken’s River of Heaven

Three Simple Lines

Two Books for Children

William Hart’s Monsoon

Reports, Speeches, Haibun, Essays by Others, and More

A Chat about Tanka

A Look to the Future of Haiku in English

An Invitation to Rengay (introduction to True Colour)

A Report on Haiku Chicago (1995)

Between Storms

On Essays and Physics

Finding Our Way

Forms in English Haiku

Fresh Seeing on the International Appalachian Trail

Friends in Haiku

Haiku as Poetic Spell (Martin Lucas)

Haiku, Maui

Haiku Poets of Northern California 1995 Rengay Contest

Hearing the Owl

The Honkadori Revisited: Have I Read this Before? Déjà vu in Haiku by Hans Jongman

Introduction to Fig Newtons: Senryu to Go

Japan (Billy Collins; poem)

Japanese Renku Group Visits San Francisco

King’s Books

Mercy Street

Michael Dylan Welch’s Frisbee

The Mouse’s Tale

North American Tanka Contest Results

Off the Beaten Track: A Year in Haiku

Preface to The Edge of the Woods (Paul O. Williams)

Remembering Kylan Jones-Huffman

Rengay: The Art of Partnering (Carolyn Hall)

Rengay: A Status Report

Rengay Clarified

Seeing Into the Heart: Vulnerability in Haiku

A Survey of Haibun Definitions: Introduction to Wedge of Light

2013 Haiku Poets of Northern California Haiku Contest

2020 Nicholas A. Virgilio Haiku and Senryu Competition

Welcome to Haiku North America 2009

When Butterflies Come

Whose Kid Is That?

Winter Squall

Why Do Haiku? (Steve; poem)


Young Leaves (renku)